DOWNTIME : H.O.S.H – Behind the Scenes

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It’s been a while…

Another ‘downtime’ hibernation is coming to an end as summer hits its stride, and duly i, along with many others, migrate to farther reaches once again… I’ll attempt to sum up the past 8 months in the following single sentence. It was lived it in a way that i felt was finally deserved.

( A more elaborate summary: An unpretentious and rightfully cliched roller-coaster of revolving-door relations and stop-start pursuits. A stream of consistently careless, but often not so carefree, AM ventures. Swelling dream-awakenings generating waves of stubborn will and self-satisfaction. Predictable days of stagnancy and frustration hunched over the snare drum now dwindling in memory due to new unprecedented potential in a bluesy, slightly boozy acquaintance. Desperate bursts of spontaneity amongst drawn-out, tiring circumstances, all contradicting my preceding reputation, none regretful nor damaging. Just the latest additions to an ever-richer, more resilient tapestry. Life-changing plans were jotted and mapped as far as Santiago and built-up as high as the Andes, only to receded into future possibilities. I’m not bitter, I am in fact grateful for such an unexpected, but timely twisted period. One without the need for dramatic changes. All products of the same city, same home, same job… or should i say… ideal city, ideal home and ideal job for this brief and vibrant chapter. And to the greatly influential man whom I personally served a Mint Julip, i suggest to you that in light of recent experiences and finding myself almost exactly where i was last year… “Nothing ever changes but… the people”.)


With all this going on, i found few opportunities for decent time behind the lens. However, last Autumn i was a part of a photography project with a select group of work friends/colleagues. Said project is in Hiatus, and has been since the turn of the year. Who knows if it’ll re-surface, perhaps on my return to the city. In the meantime here are some ‘behind the scenes’ shots taken whilst seeking out humans on the streets of Shoreditch…


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Shameless, but relevant. Russell is always seen wandering around the area. Julien and I happened to be standing down a side street from Blues with our cameras when this chap swiftly strolled past with a small entourage. We called after him, requesting a photo. He politely accepted, but insisted he wouldn’t stop… So i ran past them down the street, turned and quickly snapped this as he seemed determined to walk straight through me. Quite a moment.

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Shooting promotion footage above the Boxpark…

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